Welcome to the Friends of Theatre

Friends of Theatre was founded in September of 1972. Our goals over the years have increased somewhat, but have never gotten off the track.

Our primary goals are:

  • To assist the Department of Theatre Arts and its talented young students to become the finest in the country.
  • To work with the university to make the Jerry Herman Theatre a jewel in the community by supporting the beautification and technology of the physical plant.
  • To serve as a link so that all members will have the opportunity to meet and greet fellow members, students and faculty at Jerry Herman Theatre openings, theatre parties, meetings and other social events.

Special recognition to Friends of Theatre who have generously supported the Department of Theatre Arts and the Jerry Herman Theatre for over 45 years.

Denys Alt
Tim Anagnost
Jan Benefield
Dr. Thor W. Bruce and Mirella M. LaSalle
Ren Campbell
Dr. Ronald Clark and Gloria Villa
Peter and Bonnie Dockter
Dr. Diane V. Baker and Mr. George Giampetro
Don and Carol Golden
Dick and Camille King
Frank and Juli Herbert
Henry Langston
Renee and David Lieberman
Marie-Gabrielle Monteil Lopez
Carol Newport
Sheldon Palley
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Sarafoglu
Monica Silva
Maggie and Bernie Silverstein
John Softness and Carol Blades
Kimberly and Gregory Scheitzer
Peggy and Frank Vita

Membership Categories and Benefits

The Friends of Theatre, Inc., is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation dedicated to supporting the University of Miami Department of Theatre Arts and productions at the Jerry Herman Theatre. Membership fees are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please note that tickets to productions and receptions are not tax deductible.

As a Member you will:

  • Connect with other people who share your passion and commitment for Theatre.
  • Support the amazing and talented Theatre Arts students at the University of Miami.
  • Deepen your community experience and strengthen your ties to the University of Miami.
  • Gain private access and special privileges (such as receptions and outings).
  • Be recognized in public for your gift.
